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Thury Tonarm & DJ Funky Fresh Mike — Milestones


soft rotation #2 KLEO / Ting-Chun Liu / Seina / EZB

today7. Januar 2024


Konzerte/Veranstaltungen Im 674FM Konzertraum

  • soft rotation #2

soft rotation #2 KLEO / Ting-Chun Liu / Seina / EZB

soft rotation #2

Ting-Chun Liu

Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2024
Beginn 19 Uhr
Free Entry!
674FM Konzertraum
Ubierring 13, 50678 Köln

We do this not because it is easy but because we thought it was easy. soft rotation is a monthly concert organized collectively by sound enthusiasts. We warmly introduce rotation as our core concept, offering a platform for newcomers and artists who share our commitment to exploration by embracing errors, mistakes in try-outs. soft rotation is a concert series of time-based sound performances encompassing practices, actions, computer music, electronics, acoustic music, and audio-visual.We invite you to join us, hang out, and talk with the artists, exchanging knowledge and ideas following each concert.


KLEO is a project by the sound artist and musician Klyl Shifroni. The project is a container for experimentations and observations on sound, from live coding to DIY electronics to atmospheric dj sets to electro-pop songs.
In this performance, Klyl will use the electric bass as the source material. The main emphasis being the harmonics and resonances that the instrument holds in it.

Ting-Chun Liu

Ting-Chun Liu is a struggling media artist juggling various mediums and forms. He engages in mediocre action performances, audio-visual, and video works that explore the relationships between reality and the virtual world, as well as the essence of artificial intelligence (a topic where no one fully understands how it works, honestly). His approach involves revealing the trained models, which reflect the collective unconscious and the unattainable „ideal“ perspective in AI.

In the upcoming performance, embodying the spirit of Valentine’s Day, he will be having a granulated conversation with chatGPT about passion, desire, affection, and, of course, love <3.


Seina is a composer and sound artist based in Den Haag, who focuses on the relationship between experimental ambient and algorithmic music. With a keen interest in creative coding, she uses different coding languages as her main creative tool for sound design and composition. Currently, she is working on creating and changing soundscapes in real time, using a combination of analogue and digital sounds and Field Recordings.
